
Purchases of the Week - 04/22/2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I got a few more blu-rays and items for our fur kids. Lots of sales lately that we've been taking advantage of as well.

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Conan the Barbarian - Classic Arnold. " To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women." 

Dead Space: Aftermath - Horribly executed. The graphics should be considered an embarrassment to the digital movie community. It looked like they found their talent from the desperate digital amateur artists pool in youtube. I am just very disappointed in how this was produced. The first Dead Space was good. Anyways I liked the converging stores to make a whole and it's always nice to know what happened afterwards. Only a true Dead Space fan should buy this and buy it cheap. Like I did.
50 First Dates - Is a charming movie. I like Drew Barrymore. Concept is unlikely, like a sugar coated version of Memento with rainbows and unicorns. It works for me. 

The Fifth Element - Classic campy sc-fi. Leeloo Dallas multipass! Chicken gooooood! I could go on on. 
Bridget Jones's Diary - Sure she makes that siopao face expressions but if you can get past her muddy British accent there's a cute story here. 
The Scorpion King - I like to think this is the movie that made The Rock a movie star. He makes a great action star. I wish he would return to doing such films again. Not really feeling the Disneyfied Dwayne Johnson. 

Four Brothers - I like Mark Walhberg. Even though he has a habit of putting both feet in his mouth sometimes. He's a much better actor than a singer that's for sure.

Liv-a-Littles Chicken - I am running out of this already so I re-supplied. I like to add it to their meals so that they'll finish their food entirely. Nodame and Pickles love this the most.
Petmate Top Loading Carrier - This carrier is Marley's. Their last vet visit was traumatic for them and us. They fought going into the traditional carrier we had. Nodame actually clawed me in his displeasure at being put into one of these. Marley and Dhani can deal with this design. I already am eyeing another top loading one for Nodame. 

Ugroom Rubber Brush - My cats love to be scratched and petted. The traditional brushes I have for them don't have the massaging option and de-shedding capabilities this one has. I can also use it during bath time for them so the shampoo will go deep.

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Oatmeal Dog and Cat Shampoo - Yeah. That's a gallon size. When you have four cats that are bathed monthly, you quickly run out of shampoo if it's in a regular shampoo bottle. I got the Oatmeal one as my cats don't really have fleas and I suspect Nodame has sensitive skin. The oatmeal always did a wonderful job with P-Chan. I expect the same results for the cats. 
Gallon Dispensing Pump - I'm going to be attaching that sucker on the gallon. That's about it. Oh. Nate got his suit and I got two choices for shoes for our wedding. =)

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