
The Casketeers

Friday, July 05, 2019

I do love this show. At first I was a little wary, I mean, a reality show about funerals? One, I hate reality shows because nothing is based on reality on any reality show. Manufactured drama I call it. 

Two, this could be bad, inappropriate and morbid, but I was taken aback by how the Tipene's treated their clients. Both dead and alive. The staff treated the dead with a lot of respect and dignity and they also treated the families with empathy. 

Maybe I am naive in thinking that, those emotions can't be manufactured for TV, but I feel that they are really passionate about their business and you can see in the show how much care and pride the staff put into their work. 

I am also learning a lot about New Zealand and the different cultures that inhabit the island. The language and interesting funeral customs. What touched me the most is that their dead are never left alone. Families stay with the bodies, overnight even prior to the final service. 

The funerals I have been to here in the US, and thankfully not a lot, have been stiff and formal. Funeral directors I've encountered are very business-like. Not as personable as the Tipene's seen on the show. These differences could be attributed to the culture as it seems like New Zealand's people are very very family oriented.

The show handles grieving and saying goodbye very tastefully. I am not ashamed to admit that when I see the families cry for their loved ones I cry too and it helps me process my grief for my family members that have passed on, those long gone and those who left us most recently. 

I like shows that teach me things and this is one of them. Surprisingly, a reality show that doesn't make me feel dumber just by watching it. Opens the curiosity door and makes me ask and research topics like how many tribes are in New Zealand? How big is the country, what is a haka and what is a mince and cheese pie? What is mince? 

I just finished watching Season 2 and I hope that they do another season as I really like the show. 

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