
Fun with Fuji Instax Mini 50S

Monday, April 11, 2011

A treat for myself this tax season. I've been eying the Instax cameras for ages since I could not find film for our old Polaroid. I finally pulled the trigger and splurged on a camera, film and a couple of stickers. The end result is below:

I love how these pictures remind me of the 70's. We have a few Polaroids from that era and I enjoy looking at them. The Polaroid-type photos to me feels like you stole a bit of time and froze it. I am sure that's the whole premise of any type of photography but the charm of of instant is you see it slowly developing in your hands. It was like magic!

I wanted to relive that again then Polaroid pulled the rug from under me and decided to stop production of the film. Long story short, Polaroid came back as a bastardized Fuji. I've looked around on the net and the film for the re-branded Polaroid will fit an instax so it's a matter of finding a good price for bulk film. It just sucks that the classic size Polaroid is no more.

Despite all that, the end results gives me these awesome, one-of-a-kind photos. Smaller in size but they still have that charm of slowly developing in your hands. Like magic.

Purchases of the Week: April 5, 2011

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket

Nate and I have been keeping an eye on TV sales so we can get our TV soon. Unfortunately, I missed it when the TV we wanted went down to $999. At that time I didn't have the cash. Now that I do, the price shot back up to almost regular so we are waiting it out.

Meanwhile, I've been scooping up blu-ray when it goes on sale. So here's a few more to add to our library.

Dragon Ball Z Kai Vol. 3 - It's stupid that Vol. 2 isn't as low but DBZ for $15.99 is not passable. So I picked it up. We can't watch it until I secure Vol. 2 though. Meh. 

Monster - I saw both documentaries for Eileen Wuornos on Netflix. She was a very disturbed woman. But in the end I don't think she was in her right mind when she requested to be put to death. Part of me feels like she should have had psychiatric help before she just decided to get it over with. I want to see Charlize Theron's performance. She is so beautiful but she managed to look so hideous in this movie. 

Smokin' Aces - I laughed at Ben Affleck and the manner of his...disposal. A fun movie throughout and Ryan Reynolds is hot! 
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - CHEEEEESEEEE BURGER! More fun than Despicable Me. I shit you not.
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