
IPod Obsession

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I have been consumed with the desire to update my IPod. Now that I've had my new tower for a while and I am no longer sharing Nate's ITunes on his laptop, I can completely customize my IPod with what I want without the clutter of someone else's music.

It's a pleasurable distraction right now. I know I haven't been blogging as much and I need to recap SDCC 2011 before I forget. A lot of things went down between July and now. Maybe I'll talk about it later.

But right now I just want to get lost in the music. Even if it's just for a little bit.

SDCC 2011 - Thursday

Sunday, August 14, 2011

We were hearing rumors that pre-registration for 2012 was going to be a bitch due to it's off-site location. Because of the instant sell out for 2011 during 2010 Con, we were determined to get there early to secure out tickets. Like 6:30 AM early.

Little did we know that it was already too late.

We parked at the Hilton Garage and we did the arduous trek to the offsite to the Manchester Grand Hyatt only to walk into a line that stretched all the way back to the fucking Hilton. So technically, we almost completed a full circle.

I can tell you I was furious. So was Nate. First off, pushing myself that hard physically was exhausting. I wish I am in better shape but I am not, so it was tiring. Plus we almost made it to the door. We were approximately thirty feet from the door and we were told the allotment was gone for the day at 8:20 AM when sales start at 8 AM.

I was so upset I yelled at one of the volunteers in a fit of rage. I do regret losing my temper and yelling at strangers. It was either me yelling or Nate. If Nate had started the yelling his fist would have followed. I think he was that mad too.

Either way, I stormed off after telling them angrily that they need to organize their pre-registration better so people don't have to waste their time lining up for something that wont be attainable. The fact that I have to line up AT Con to get tickets for next year's Con is ridiculous. I remember last year we just walked up to a lineless counter and registered just like that. No problems.

I was dejected and Nate was doing his best trying to cheer me up. So the day started off really crappy and we both did not have the energy to sprint to get to the Exhibit Hall before it opened. We walked back slowly so we can recuperate our strength.

Technically, we could have bypassed all this and asked our cousin and her husband for pro passes next year. But Nate and I do not like to impose like that and we really wanted to secure our passes.

By the time we got to Gargamel, all the good stuff was gone already and I couldn't really enjoy the Con that morning. I was worried and I was trying to strategize for tomorrow. Nate kept himself occupied with good thoughts as he was preparing for PATCHWERK.

Most of the day was spent doing a quick look around the Exhibit Hall and then we found a quiet bench to sit and rest until Pushead.
We talked briefly about the shenanigans of the day but we really didn't go into it as much as Nate was really looking forward to the Pushead event and his enthusiasm started rubbing off my discontent.
When it was time for PATCHWERK, we made our way to Toy Tokyo's booth. They were already getting ready for the event and people were already gathering and discussing what could be under all this:

Pushead PATCHWERK Event: SDCC 2011

Pushead fans are fun to watch when it's a Pushead event. Mostly male, the cloud of testosterone floating around them can be a little bit overwhelming at times. But when they take off that black curtain and you hear them ooh'ing and ahh'ing you can see the genuine excitement from all of them and it's fun to watch.

The last Pushead event was in 2009 and Nate was so close but missed out on any HPs as his number was too far. I forgot to mention that this event is a ticketed event and there is a pecking order. This year Nate's number was much better and his chances were good to get something really nice.

Pushead PATCHWERK: SDCC 2011

Curtain comes down and we see a whole bunch of mixed parts of Captains, Pirates and limited production pieces!

When I saw the amount I was feeling a bit reassured that Nate will walk away with something he likes. Pushead events takes a long ass time as each person is given time to look over and see what they want to buy. Which to me is such a personal gesture from Pushead to his fans. I didn't mind waiting. I enjoyed seeing what people picked out.
Nate walked away with a print, PATCHWERK Pirate and a production piece. I don't have a picture of the print but we just finished taking picture of our loot and here's the two piece Nate came home with:

ghrrrr it's bloooming splits te kolor Patchwerk SDCC July 21, 2011

Patchwerk 2011 GID Black Marbled Skullwing 'The Andy'

Nate was very happy. This was his event for SDCC and he came away with toys he was very excited about.

With this behind us, we decided to take off and have an early dinner and bedtime as we were going to have to get up at an ungodly hour to remedy our pre-registration fiasco...
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