
Purchases of the Week - 02/04/2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Cat Dishes - One of the cat's dishes broke and Mom bought these clunky ceramic ones that I do not like. These are a little better designed and will give them a bit of height when they are eating. I bought for my cats only. Marley gets the pink one, Dhani gets the blue one and Nodame gets the green one. Pickles' Mom, (my sister), will have to buy him his own dish or he can use the old orange one that is Nodame's. 

Natural Soaps - Bought some awesome soaps and facial scrub from my favorite soap seller from Etsy. 
Wooden Soap Dish - Handmade. Needed one for my special soaps! Bought from etsy as well.

That's about it. I am hankering for another book for my Kindle Fire as I am close to finishing Anvil Gate. Not sure if I should get into the Game of Thrones series just yet. That's a lot of reading. @___@

Valentine's Day 2012

Nate and I normally don't put too much emphasis on commercialized holidays. The whole point of having a "special day" to celebrate one's love is just meh. That should be an everyday occurrence. Express your love in as many different ways to your mate as possible every single day.

I digress for I am soap boxing. =D

Anyway, Nate knows I have been dealing with a lot of things and this is a very thoughtful gesture.

A bouquet of tulips and a large chocolate heart box

Heart Shaped Chocolate Box - Godiva

We are spending a quiet day today. More resting for me and and watching Nate play Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Normally, movie to game adaptions suck ass but Rock Steady paid attention to all the flaws from this genre, made sure not to repeat them and gave us a stellar gaming experience. I am enjoying watching the story unfold.

A nice, typical day. For us at least! ^_____^

Living Room Project - Progress

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Our living room is slowly starting to take shape. This has been a work in progress for almost two years now.

Definitely a new couch is needed as the cats, not just Nodame, have essentially flattened down the back rests of the couches that we currently have. Plus, that couch is circa apartment era so a new set is long overdue.

It's got to be hardy to survive four cats and comfortable enough for our family and friends.

Purchases of the Week - 02/01/2012

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Photobucket Photobucket  Photobucket

Eraser - I wouldn't say classic Arnold with this one. Standard Arnold is more like it. It's not unbearable like Collateral Damage. That movie is fucked up plot-wise, but this one is enjoyable. 

Coming to America - Nate quotes this movie a lot and I don't blame him. It is funny. I haven't sat through the whole movie but I do distinctly remember a whole family with jheri curls and a moist couch. 
Nacho Libre - I cannot believe this was out of print and ridiculously priced. So when I saw it available again at Amazon for $8.99 I pounced on it. I love this movie! Stretchy pants and corn! 

Amadeus - Classic movie. Not historically accurate but enjoyable drama. The music is amazing.

That's it for now. A lot of movies I have been wanting to replace are dropping slowly in price. We're at 197 in blu-rays and counting!
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