
Writing on the wall...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

–noun, plural -nies.
1. (initial capital letter) a Christian festival, observed on January 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles in the persons of the Magi; Twelfth-day.

2. an appearance or manifestation, esp. of a deity.

3. a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
4. a literary work or section of a work presenting, usually symbolically, such a moment of revelation and insight.

There is no other word to describe how it felt as we looked around our fourth room where the majority of our toys are located. After geeking out at SDCC and seeing what we brought back and looking at what we have on our shelves, Nate has reached the point of just wanting to sell the dunnys. All of them.

I've been holding him back as I think about all the effort we put into these toys. But if that's what's holding me back, just thinking about the effort, then I know that effort is not a good enough reason to keep something if there is no love for it.

We collect intensely, and our collection has to have that same intensity that we feel for our toys. This isn't easy to even contemplate. I know I spoke about our changing tastes constantly but actually having the guts to go through and sell what we searched so hard for at times is HARD.

We're collectors! We collect and letting go is not easy. I think talking about it helps me focus on what I need to do. Nate can make this decision easier than I can. I so drag my feet about this and I know I try his patience by my indecisiveness but once I start rolling down the hill, so to speak, I tend to go all the way. I just have to feel right about it. I have to feel that I am ready to say goodbye.

So is this the first step to saying goodbye? Maybe. I hope so. I mean I suppose it is.

Nate's off this weekend. I think this will be time our proverbial Fire Sale will commence.

SDCC Aftermath

Saturday, July 25, 2009

We got home late last night! Even though we have a four day pass, our SDCC was over in the first couple of days. I think Nate and I did well. On the way back home we talked about our experience and we had a lot fun this year.

I'll post pics on my FLICKR but right now all we want to do is just give our aching feet a much needed rest.

SDCC 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The eve before SDCC madness is always exciting for us. I have to work half day tomorrow though. So we are leaving later than planned.

P-Chan & SDCC Fund

P-Chan sitting on our money for the Con. I wish I made my target savings but failed. I have about the same amount as last year.

Every time we are upstairs all the animals tend to gather in our room to either sleep or keep us company as we relax, watch TV or play video games.

Nate's already packed and is harassing me to do the same. I kind of hate packing and tend to shove clothes in the bag to Nate's exasperation. He'll take them out and fold it neatly. At least I got the food shopping done. We plan to pack lunches during the Con to save money.

Tomorrow is going to be a hectic day. I'm looking forward to it but at the same time I am not as it will be exhausting.

Feral Cats

Monday, July 20, 2009

We have a lot of feral cats in our area. Two actually became tame after we started taking care of them. That was MomCat and Impostor Cat.

Both became pregnant and we nursed them throughout their pregnancy and they gave us our much loved kittens. Nodame, Dhani, Pickles and Marley were adopted by family. BoyCat, Tono-Chan and Mariposa went to friends.

Although we've been fortunate to be able to place them all in loving homes that's not always going to be the case. We've learned through this experience that taking care of a pregnant cat and her kittens cost a lot of time and money.

As much as we've enjoyed taking care of them it's more practical to get them fixed to control the pet population.

My sister found an organization in our area that spays and neuters stray cats for free. They are FIXNATION.ORG. They provide low cost vaccination for your pet cats as well.

My sister took Myaah and her two companions over to be checked. Unfortunately, they have a case of upper respiratory infection and had to have antibiotics first. Until they are better is when they can get fixed. She had to release the gray cats again as they have a really severe case of infection.

Mom has to take care of Myaa for a couple of days and as soon as we return from SDCC and if she is well, Myaah can be fixed. Hopefully the gray cats will be better too.

GR2 Bwana Spoons WTF Tour

Sunday, July 19, 2009

It was sizzling in the valley. Temps were 103 but it felt hotter. Nate and I had things to do to prepare for SDCC and Bwana's show at GR2 was today too. Despite the debilitating heat we got going a little after 12.

After a brief stop at Little Tokyo we headed off to GR2 for the show. We were the first people there for the show. They were setting up a BBQ and the four square games.

The Killers and Stevens were already out on display but not for sale yet so I had time to decide what I wanted.
GR2 Killers

When Bwana appeared I got to ask him about how he feels about the airbrush. He said he loves using it. The Gargamel guys got him his airbrush and paints. He does acknowledge that he is still getting used to it and will plan a day with the guys at Gargamel for further learning of techniques when he goes to Thrashout in September.

I was happy to hear that as there is a lot of potential for amazing airbrush customs from Bwana and his playful palette of colors will work well with the medium. Which led to the question of how did he airbrush before, as I have a sprayed custom from him and he said it was done via spray paint. Which explains the somewhat sticky nature of my custom but with a lot of time with the spray paint medium, Bwana was able to master that and I am hoping his airbrushing skills will reach that level. I have no doubts that it will.

Which was why I was undecided with the Killer. The show was not starting for another hour and Nate and I decided to get some drinks. We walked and talked about it for a bit. We got our drinks and came back and hung outside the store. It was hot at GR2 but not as bad as the valley. Plus there was a pleasant, strong breeze blowing to keep us cool.

Went back in again and looked at the Killer. After sometime I decided to get it. I liked how the top of the KIller was done. I can see Bwana experimenting with vertical lines.

GR2 Killer

I did pass on the Steven. You really have to pick and choose and following a completist mindset with the WTF Killers and Stevens is just sheer foolishness financially and asthetically as Bwana is still learning to use the airbrush. Right now it's hit or miss with each one for me and it's mostly miss at the moment. I have to really love it. I am not being an ass but I know Bwana has the talent to pwnd the airbrush but it's not going to happen overnight.

But he's a quick learner as pictured below with the SDCC Steven.

SDCC 2009 WTF Tour Steven

Everything about this particular Steven shows big improvements. I love the fade on the hands. The back has an awesome pink fade on the wings.

SDCC 2009 WTF Tour Steven

Now that's the kind of fading I want to see! It's gorgeous and the color choices work together instead of against each other. I am so relieved that I don't have to chase this one.

I won the Pencil Fight Tournament at GR2! This was my prize.

Pencil Tournament Prize

I didn't think I would do well as I have never played this game before. Nate taught me a few pointers like aiming and hitting hard. There were three rounds. I did well on the first and met Nate for the semi-finals. Which was ironic as the other pair at the semi-finals were boyfriend and girlfriend as well. It was a couple showdown! I told Nate sorry but I am going to beat your ass in this game. LOL

Bwana said the Grasshut finals was between Le Merde and his wife. XD

Nate's pencil broke as he attempted to hit mine so I won that round and faced off with Danielle. I hope I got her name correctly.

Pencil Fight Tournament

We were hitting hard. But after four minutes of little or no progess we decided to do it sudden death and just gripped our pencils and pushed at each other. Her pencil broke and I was like...EH?!

I could not believe I won. I was exhausted. In a daze I received my prize from Bwana and I recall my hands were still shaking and fingers numb I held up the prizes and smiled like a dumbass. I decided to share pics of me since, well... people were taking pics of me with the prizes and I was like oh well. I don't really like to have my picture taken but it couldn't be avoided.

Shortly after, I said bye bye to Bwana and Nate and I topped off our day with a quiet dinner at Curry House. We had a blast!

I can't wait for SDCC. Bwana and Gargamel are bringing so much good stuff that it's going to be difficult to decide what to buy. I think it will be a spirited foot race to the Gargamel booth for many people on Preview Night.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

We knew it would happen someday but didn't think that it would be so soon. Less than seven months of XBOX 360 I would say medium playing and we get this:

An estimated 33% of XBOX 360 owners will experience the Red Ring of Death. That's a high percentage. I think Zach, Nate's younger brother, has had this happen to him earlier this year and he had to send it off to be fixed.

I was playing UNO in the morning, watched several movies on Netflix, played UNO again, played 1 vs 100 Beta, got ready to watch another Netflix movie, went downstairs to get a snack and I come back the screen is pixelated in squares. Turned it off and turned it on and voila... teh rings.

I called Nate at work to let him know and he said he'll take care of it on Monday. ::SIGH::

I can always catch up on my PS2 games.

Itokin Park

Friday, July 17, 2009

I love Himalans! Unfortunately there's not going to be any more produced as far as I've heard. I've been able to gather what I have by patiently waiting for sales to show up. The latest one I got was the Kaleyard. Excellent price too!

Kaleyard Himalan by Itokin Park

Still missing about five production ones and these are the ones that are going to be very hard to find. Impossible would be the hand paints. T____T

Itokin Park - Red Rabyuun

I also like the Rabyuuns. Just because there's only four figures released doesn't mean it's going to be easy to find them because there's hardly any that go on sale.

The Lucha Bears are nice but there's something about it that doesn't compel me to collect it. I think it's his face and long arms.

I am quite interested in Robby the Space Man but missed the release below due to time confusion on my part. The first release was a red one too.

Meh! It's too close to SDCC and I'm sure this particular version will cross my path someday. Nate and I are looking forward to seeing Ito-san in San Diego. I wonder if he's bringing goodies.

Take that Lou, you bastard!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Just to add to Maddie's post showing me play Guitar Hero 3, I finally beat the game on the Hard difficulty. WOOOT!!!!! (After playing 50+ million hours on the same song.... lol)

I've read and seen videos on youtube where many people have said that facing Lou on Hard is very difficult. Even people who play on Expert said they can't even beat him on the Hard difficulty. Honestly, I don't even know how I beat him, but it happened. Now on to Expert, Oi Vey...

Fourth of July

Saturday, July 04, 2009

We had a quiet holiday today. I archived a bunch of my old anime in CDR format to DVD-R and Nate has been playing Guitar Hero III.

For our BBQ Nate and I cooked the following: Rib Eye Steaks, BBQ Chicken (Legs & Thighs), Hot dogs (for Todd), Polish Sausage, Steamed Vegetables, Mashed Potatoes and Tuxedo Mousse Cake.
Fourth of July: Dessert

This was store bought and very yummy. A good size too. Not too much. I think it's a quarter sheet. Tonight is another round of burning and Guitar Hero. Nate's trying to beat the game on Hard mode before moving onto Expert.

Guitar Hero III

I took a quick picture of the battle with the final boss. Nate's keeping up with him but the Devil is a cheating bastard!

Sadly, my fingers aren't as fast as they used to be and I can only keep up with Nate at Medium at the most. I play in lefty flip as well.

Tomorrow is a round of home improvements. Adding some new screen windows and putting up new window hardware for the fourth room.

SARS Exclusive Killer

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The package arrived at my house last week. I finally had some time to take pictures. This particular killer reminds me of vegetables. Eggplants and varicolored lettuce spring to mind.

SARS Exclusive Killer

I passed on the NY, MOCCA and ARTOYZ Killers. I would really like to see more intricate spray work on these clear killers. So I am picking and choosing. I just feel that Bwana can do a lot more with the clear body than what's being put out. Plus I am on a budget too so that doesn't help.

I did go for the Big Apple Steven without having seen it first because I like the sculpt and GID base with red spray was a must have. I am hoping it will live up to my expectations but Bwana seems to always do the unexpected, but then again I like surprises.

I can't wait to see what he'll bring when he comes down to SoCal! I really like the Mooneater. It's such an interesting mash-up that works well when together.
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