
Purchases of the Week - 04/15/2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Damn, it's been that long since I did one. I have been purchasing quite a bit lately but I decided to once again re-start with blu-ray purchases.

First off, our Sony blu-ray player was having issues. We were getting the error "Unable to play disc." It was very frustrating as we thought we had defective discs. Six of our movies were coming up this way. We ended up returning some of our movies but then a week later, Sony released a software update and all was well again. Ugh.

So I am back to scouring the net for cheap blu-ray! Here's this week's loot.

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Nacho Libre - I had to return, then buy then return and finally buy it back now that the software issue has been fixed. 

Shaun of the Dead - I have only seen the end of this movie. Even with what little I saw I was laughing. I can't really say much because I still need to see it. 

The Frighteners - I love this movie. I've been patiently waiting for it to come to blu-ray. It has a lot of the charm of his Back to the Future performance but as a burnt out version. I can't tell you how many times Nate and I have quoted, "My body is road map of pain." 
The Fly - I have seen this movie in bits and pieces. I've also heard that bits and pieces tend to be "collected" in this movie. I've been warned not to watch after eating. I have always wanted to watch it but I suspect every time this is shown on TV it might be edited.

Elizabeth - I've seen this movie and I liked it. I love historical/period movies. I love Cate Blanchett. A snow queen best admired from afar.

Billy Madison - Nate's always singing the song and every time it pops up on TV, he will watch. So this is for him.
Basic Instinct - I do like this movie. Sharon Stone played a psychopathic sex fiend perfectly. I am not gonna lie. I did squint and pause the film when she crossed her legs. LOL 

Alien vs Predator - A concept that would have ruled. The first film was OK. I liked it. The film following it sucked so much donkey balls. I had to quell my anger and sit through Requiem on Netflix. Time I cannot get back. But at least I didn't turn it off like Collateral Damage. Which is the first time I stopped watching a movie halfway.
Harry Potter 2: Chamber of Secrets (Ultimate Edition) - Why am I buying these instead of the conveniently packed 8 movie edition? The Ultimate Editions are loaded with a ton of extras. I am aware of the planned special collector's edition packed as a trunk but I am hearing rumblings that it's not as comprehensive as these Ultimate Editions. Since we love Harry Potter, I prefer to get these versions instead. I have the first one and these are not cheap. This one happened to be 44% off and met my requirement for cheapness.

That's it for now. We're still trying to replace our DVDs but that's a slow process as the DVD movies we have are still at unacceptable pricing in their blu-ray versions. But glacial patience always wins out.

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