
Almost 10 years later...

Sunday, December 09, 2012

I found one of my earliest internet web pages. It's still up. This is like finding a dinosaur foot print on a dry river bed.

I can't log in anymore even though I have the login and pass. I think this was when Napster recently went down and I was new and exploring the wilds of IRC.

Which reminds me, the client I used to connect to IRC is outdated. I haven't logged on to that network in ages because, well, bit torrent essentially made it easier to download anime. There was no need for me to lurk in the rooms.

When bit torrent exploded into the scene it essentially changed how you shared anime. Everyone just came in or found the torrent and downloaded. Conversation waned and became scarce.

Even if I downloaded a new client to access IRC I am pressed hard to remember how to configure the client, find the servers and initiate the downloads. Plus I would have to re-configure my PC's security.  I mean, it's a lot of effort. I don't think I'll ever go there again. Unless I really had to.

But I learned a lot about things in there. Things I still implement today in regards to where to find what I need and settings I still use today for music. I had friends in there too.

So yeah I remember IRC with great affection. That was the early days of social networking. I am honored to have had some experience with it. I have fond memories of that time.

Oh and here's the link for the site. It is SeskaFuze's OST Master List. On Angelfire even. LOL

I do recall hours of painstaking html coding for the simplest things when I built it too.

I think I'll put a link for it on our site so I can keep tabs on it. Who knows how much longer it will be on the net?

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