
Hair Donation

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I have been waiting to do this maybe for over a year. I used to have long hair when I was a teenager. But as an adult I don't think I can do it anymore. Too heavy and hot to keep up.

I was so relieved when my hairdresser snipped it off. Just in time as the temps down here in the valley is set to "broil" during the summer.

Locks of Love - My hair donation

I thought I just made the minimum of 10 inches but as it turns out I had more and I asked Bao to cut as far as we can harvest. Now I have a decent length to donate to Locks of Love which helps disadvantaged children who suffer from hair loss due to illness.

I don't know if I can do this again as living with long hair nearly drove me insane but at least I was able to accomplish this.

I feel so comfortable now and I got rid of the excess hair just in time for summer too! ^_____^

Purchases of the Week - June 12, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

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Dragon Ball Z Kai: Part Two - Finally, after waiting approximately six months, the price went down to my liking and I snatched it up quick. I have part 3 already but could not watch it before getting my hands on this one. I am actually enjoying this series much more than the original version. Less filler crap. 
From Dusk till Dawn - I had to get another movie so my order qualifies for free shipping so I picked this one. George Clooney was gritty and rough around the edges with this character. Not as sophisticated as he is now. Plus Selma Hayek was mad sexy in this film. I like voluptuous women. Nate and I agree that too thin women look bony, unattractive and hungry. Very much like underfed zombies.

I got several pre-orders lined up but until they ship I wont be talking about it. That's about it media-wise. Toy buying I did pick up an several pieces. The latest being an M1 Matango. I think Nate also bought some anime DVDs from I forget what they were but I'll have him blog about those.

Purchases of the Week - May 22, 2011

You can't beat a $6 sale. Seriously! All of these listed in this week's Purchases of the Week were all $6 dollars each.

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The Amityville Horror - Ryan Reynolds is hot. I normally do not buy scary movies but this is the kind of movie that really scare me. Supernatural ones. Not the bloody ones like Saw. Even though Ryan Reynolds played a creepy character it's still an enjoyable movie. I just can't watch it by myself. XD 

Enter the Dragon - This is a classic. A movie done before I was born! Every time I look at Bruce Lee in this movie he was in his finest physical condition. Which makes the circumstances of his death really weird. Also I can't help but think of his son, Brandon Lee, as well. What a double tragedy. 

House of Flying Daggers - Takeshi Kaneshiro. Half Taiwanese Chinese and half Japanese actor AND the face of Onimusha games! I love him in the games! There should be a reboot of Onimusha. The movie is fun to watch too but I think I just like looking at his cute face. ^____^ 

Shoot 'Em Up - Is a ridiculous movie with a ridiculous premise with over-the-top action scenes that any other actor, other than Clive Owens, would fail miserably at making this movie fun and enjoyable. Plus Monica Bellucci is in my opinion, one of the most beautiful women in the world. Mindless fun!

Starship Troopers - A fine example of how Hollywood white-washes a good book. The main character is supposed to be Asian. Filipino in fact, according to Robert A. Heinlein the author. Despite the story being wrecked by the studios they manage to come up with a campy and funny movie that I still enjoyed despite it's serious shortcomings. The novel had a serious social and political theme. It just sucks to see it trivialized into a monster movie.

Purchases of the Week - May 15, 2011

It's been a while since we updated. I think I just didn't really want to blog as much since we were all upset after we lost Impostor Cat. Our backyard has been empty without her as she was the one who hung out there all the time.

Anyway, I've been eyeing like a hawk! A lot of stuff that's ridiculously expensive has been dropping in price like a rock. I've had to be a bit more selective.

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Bad Boys - Full of Wil Smith-isms and Martin Lawrence's trademark acting style. No, the famous quote is actually said in Bad Boys II so I am not even saying it. It's a fun movie although I found Tea Leoni's character a little annoying. 
Men In Black - If there was any other actor Wil Smith perfectly acted with it would be Tommy Lee Jones. One of my favorite movies! Vincent D'Onofrio's portrayal as Edgar should be just as celebrated as the two stars of this film. He made the big cockroach's awkward movements in the Edgar Suit so believable. That's hard to pull off. 
The Quick and the Dead - I try to think of a movie where I liked Sharon Stone as an actress and I am coming up blank except for this one. She had all her clothes on, she had guns and was just a badass. Oh wait, she was in Total Recall. She was still bad there too. I think I tend to like her when she's in action movies. 
xXx - "Bitches Come!!!" Seriously that's it. I bought this movie because that line and that scene makes me and Nate laugh.

We bought the stuff listed above earlier in the week and these two below we bought later. I am going to try to summarize Purchases of the Week at the end of each week instead of random dates in between.

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Stranger than Fiction - I liked this movie. A lot of people who like Will Ferrell did not. I liked the fact he played a person who was not funny out right. Not his best movie I agree but I still enjoyed it.
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Hayao Miyazaki is a master storyteller and this was the first movie of his that I ever saw as a kid. It made me think about the environment and the consequences of not caring for it. I love seeing strong female characters and he is consistent with this in almost all of his movies. There are only two movies of his that are in blu-ray and the other is Panyo and I am waiting for that to go down in price. Hopefully, Disney will put the rest of his catalog on blu-ray in the foreseeable future.
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