
The Night Before Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am trying to maximize my holiday weekend by doing what chores I can complete before bedtime. Finishing up on our laundry and cleaning our room. I've been resisting buying stuff tonight as better deals maybe had on Friday.

The sucky part is Nate's working Friday and the weekend. I wish he was off as he could have helped me tackle the garage. So whatever buying I am going to be doing will all probably be online. This might be the year all Christmas presents are bought online.

I am not completely cooking this year. All I have to do is make my stuffing and head over to Migs and April's house for Thanksgiving. Still not sure if I am the host for Christmas. I'll probably find out tomorrow.

My sister and brother-in-law are on their way from Northern California. They will be leaving for their honeymoon in December and will be going to Australia and the Philippines! I am already making a list for my sister to bring me home stuff!

On a sad note, Britney, my Uncle and Aunt's German Shepherd mix was put to sleep on Monday. She was having really bad seizures for the last two days of her life. I don't think there was anything that could be done for her and my Mom insisted that she be put to rest to spare her from suffering. It was too much for my Mom as it was like P-Chan dying all over again but worse as Britney's condition was really bad. My Mom tried to comfort my Aunt as much as she could. She stayed with her and Britney when she was put to sleep. Britney, at this point was very weak and went peacefully. I don't think I could have been able to do that as I would be overwhelmed with emotion.

I was crying at work but my friends/co-workers know how much I care for my pets and family pets that they understood and they tried to cheer me up as best as they could. Last year we lost Pudgy and P-Chan and it's just unfortunate that Britney followed a year later.

I wanted to get a dog this year but maybe waiting till next year is a good idea. My yearning for a canine companion grows stronger day by day. Even though I have three cats already when I only planned for one in the beginning, I think a dog would round it out. ^____^

PK Con! Oops! I meant Designer Con 2010!

Technically, that's what it really was for us. Nate and I probably bought from less than eight booths. I didn't really have much cash for this event and neither did Nate. I've been busy preparing for Christmas since early November so cash was a little tight.

Nate planned to get there as early as we could so he was in bed by 9:30. I followed him about an hour later. He was up and about before 5 AM and we were on the road by 6. It was raining so it was slow going. A little after passing Burbank I realized I forgot my camera. We were too far to turn back.

Even though there was only a few cars on the road we passed by a bad three car accident on our way to Pasadena. Lots of people underestimating the rain.

When we got there we were fifth in line. First in line was Tom, a.k.a. Revolux, on the board. He said he got there at 6:15 and all the lights were off. A little after he showed up, people started trickling in. Also the rain was pouring on and off as we waited in line.

An hour or so before opening David, a.k.a. animator, joined us in line. We've been talking and speculating about the releases we were interested in days before the event.

When the doors opened Nate headed off to Paul Kaiju's booth and I sprinted down to Bwana's. When I got there Bwana was nowhere to be found! Amanda was manning the booth and she said he must be wandering around. I was checking out the goods and spotted two Pocket Killers I have never seen before. One was black and the other a nice lavander. After scrutinizing the custom I decided to pick it up and the Clear Green Boris.

Custom Pocket Killer #44 by Bwana Spoons DCon 2010

I ran back to Paul's booth. I was too late to see what Boss Carrion customs he had. Many were already in buyers hands and Tom was kind enough to show me what he picked up. I think I saw Carl holding a clear one with peanuts and I swear I saw a clear one with pink stuff inside. The Pinkysnout was literally flying off the shelves.

Good thing Nate decided to get there early. He knew with the hype it was going to be more of a hassle to secure one for our collection. We've been fortunate enough to have good friends and good luck so far.

DCon 2010 = Paul Kaiju Con

This is our combined haul from Paul's booth. There were figures that I wanted that were different from Nate. After the initial pandemonium, we all took a breather and caught up with some friends for some chit chat. It's always fun to get together, catch up and relax for a bit.

Designer Con 2010 - Bwana Spoons Loot

My haul from Bwana. The Garys were offered by Bwana as a made to order item. Since I love the sculpt so much I was able to order two. He brought them down to DCon and technically, not really part of DCon purchases. He's got a whole mess of stuff planned for next year. Rootbeer Randall painted colorway and I think a painted Boris. I am definitely looking forward to next year's offerings from Bwana!

Designer Con 2010 - Bargain Buys

Our last circle of D-Con before heading home netted us some bargains. Fungus Mutant Chaos and SB Masked Ranger Barbarian. You can't beat $20 a figure and the Chaos has been eluding us since we started collection RxH and to get him at such a great price was a great satisfying moment in our hunt for certain toys.
All in all we had a blast.We all got what we wanted, ::highfive David::, and we came home and spent no more than what we were capable of spending. Christmas is right around the corner and it's time Nate and I bought presents for our family.
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