
Feed the Mind = Feed the Soul

Sunday, August 19, 2012

“Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live.” - Gustave Flaubert

I don't know why I stopped. For a few years, I put my books down and got on with everyday things. Although I was no less happy the world was less...colorful.

I started reading again. My husband gave me the best present last Christmas. A Kindle Fire. Now my mind wanders the forests of Osten Ard, the damp streets of Ankh-Morpork and I am looking forward to exploring Middle Earth once again.

I read voraciously as a child. It was a wonderful time in my childhood. A bed, a good book and fan. It's still one of the main things I need to completely enjoy myself. Oh and a big cold soda with a straw. Perfection.

It's a great stress reliever too. It helps me re-center myself and renews my soul to better handle the cloud of unpleasantness that likes to rear its head occassionally in daily life.

I am glad I am reading again.

Dollar Bill Project

Saturday, August 18, 2012

This always happen after SDCC. Somehow the practical side of me looks back at the unadulterated spending of Comic-Con and cringe. I am not feeling buyers remorse, far from it. It's more like, I need to make up for what was spent.

So now I have started the Dollar Bill Project. Anytime I get change in dollar bills, it goes into a container. To deposit into my savings account when the container is full. People do this with change. I up the ante with bills. Wish me luck!

Dollar Bill Savings Project
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