
Gargamel Micro Madness

Sunday, January 27, 2013

We had plans to go out today but the weather outside is cuddling weather. Although I do enjoy cuddling with my husband I just wanted to look back on this weekend and have something organized regarding our toy collection which is looking like an accumulation at the moment. So off to the Fourth Room we went to organize our collection.

I know I speak often of our toy room, but I have not taken pictures of it yet. It's not how I want it to look like at the moment. I still need a small sofa bed couch in there. Nicer curtains and some of our prints up on the wall. Also some house plants my cats can't get to etc etc.

The room is still a work in progress and until we are both satisfied with how it looks like only then I'll take pictures. I don't know when that will be. I am hoping optimistically for the end of the year.

The first one to get an accounting of is our Gargamel Micro collection. This was prioritized due to a need to know exactly what we have and what we still need. I am forgetting which ones I have and having them spread out in different rooms is not helping. So I am busy counting and processing photos and then I'll have them up on our Flickr.

I would also like to think that what I am doing will also help other collectors to see which ones have been made and to figure out what they are still missing but please do not take my photos and re-publish them without permission. Have the decency to link back to me at least.

I'll be checking out my other Gargamel toys to see which ones still require organization. One step at a time and I started with the easiest first. The Micros!

Gargamel Micro Killers

Gargamel Micro Zags

Gargamel Micro Ooze Bats

National Nothing Day

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How ironic that the last day of our Staycation ends on National Nothing Day. Hahaha!

We had plans to go away on our vacation but the cost and recent large purchases made it impractical and if we are not enjoying ourselves completely and worrying about the money we spend then it's definitely not worth it. 

I don't need to go anywhere special to make things special with my loved ones. Being able to be together is special enough for us and the scenery, frankly, would be bonus content at this point.  

Anyways, we were busy doing something. Saturday was relaxing day. We were planning to watch a movie but decided to stay in to really enjoy the weekend. Most of our Staycation was spend relaxing at home or going out to watch movies. We planned on three to watch but ended up watching only two.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Nate and I enjoyed this movie a lot. Interesting to note that the white haired dwarf on the upper right was Balin whose grave Gimli was crying over in The Fellowship of the Ring. This was when they entered Moira. 

Geekiness aside, Nate and I are looking forward to the other parts of this trilogy. Should I dare hope that Peter Jackson might consider adapting The Silmarillion? I don't know. It's a small chance but I would love to see it. 

The other movie we saw I had trepidations over seeing it. Quentin Tarantino doesn't hold back on the gratuitous violence. But overall I felt like it was just right. Except for one scene that involved a shotgun but I don't know if that is actually a possible result of being fired at close range. 

Django Unchained

I loved Christoph Waltz's performance in this movie. He was awesome in Inglorious Basterds.  Samuel L. Jackson stole the show though. I wont speak anymore of it as it is part of the story but damn he made my fists itch. 

As the day plods on, we plan on baking some cookies, kicking Vermivorus the Invincible's ass, watching some Hellsing Vol. 1-4 and cuddling with our furkids. A great way to end our mini-vacation.

I LIVE! We all here for 2013! LOL

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Looks like we all survived whatever impending disaster that was allegedly set for 2012. No planetary implosion seems to have occured. ^____^;; ::knocks on wood::

I am actually looking forward to 2013. I haven't heard of any half-baked predictions for this particular year.

I have spent the long weekend enjoying the company of my family. Last night, our whole immediate family was actually together to ring in the new year.

No resolutions this year either. No point in starting fresh by breaking promises already. We just have plans. Plans that hopefully we can see to fruition.

One plan I want to execute today is a 365 photo essay project. It can't be all toys all the time either. Something creative to do for myself. Also more writing in this blog. So I have those planned. Hopefully, I can stick to it.

Today's itinerary looks like eating, playing with my cats, some chores like laundry, movies and gaming. I'm starting the new year with my loved ones and doing things I love.
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