
New Realities in 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021

 It's been a chaotic three years.

A new reality is setting in and we are all still adjusting to all the changes that's happened in such a short span of time. Some things ended and some things began.

I wish I could write it all down but there's too many and I'd rather look forward and move on than look back and not move at all. 

Plans, plans and plans. There's a lot of it in our heads. We've discussed and debated. Pros and cons but nothing will happen unless we move forward as a team. Planning is scary but I do not wish to be part of the "Bahala Na" mentality, (translate, "Whatever Happens"), where I leave it to fate and people's good graces.

Fuck that. 

Nate and I know where we want to be and that is a worthy goal to plan for. 

I'll try to post more often, I know I keep saying that, but I will try. 

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