
Morphy Auction - I won what?

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

One of my big toy regrets was hearing about the auction of auctions late last year. So many I would have gone for but alas, that boat has sailed.

A smaller collection was recently offered again at Morphy's. Most of the lots had a piece of two we were interested in but not enough to bid. I was attracted to five lots. One had the Canico Cats, a Charactics lot with a mini Gezora I needed, the Buta no Hana and two Booska lots.

Nate and I just spent money at Super7 Anniversary so we couldn't really bid at all. My eyes kept wandering towards the Booskas. I was like, what the hell. I bid on lot #551 but the reserve on it was past my budget. So I went for my second choice, lot #550 and my bid was accepted.

I was able to see the auction live and saw the one lot I bid on go past my reserve. I was like, "Oh well." But a day or so later I got notification I actually won the lot. o___o

I then paid for my win and now the waiting ends as this big box arrived at my home. It's a great way to come home from a tiring day at work.

Morphy Auction Box

Nate opened my box as I watched the cats gathering around the couches for a chance to go in it.

Booska by Martin OntiverosGiant Brown Booska by MarusanGiant Pink Booska by M1GoItty Bitty TIny BooskaBooska by BANDAIBooska Hand Puppet by Nostalgic Heroes

The giant Marusan and M1Go Booskas are the primary reasons I went for the lot. The rest I don't mind and I can use with the Yotsuba project. There's one piece I am not really into and I will probably sell that off to the board if I can.

This was our first non-Ebay auction win and I kind of enjoyed it. Granted the 17% buyer's fee hurt but in the end with just the two pieces in this lot, I got a steal. Plus a new obsession with Booska begins to Nate's dismay.
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