
I Don't Even Know Where To Start...

Monday, May 11, 2020

Seven months have passed since my last post. A lot has happened. I was hoping 2020 was going to be a good start to the decade. We had such high hopes. I think everyone did. A chance to leave all the negativity behind in 2019. Boy, we were so wrong.

It's been a struggle from the start. Not going into world events as it is world events and there's a lot of discussion about that already.

My little family has been dealing well with the quarantine. A house full of introverts, gamers and readers has made the stay at home orders for our state not a big deal. I wouldn't go as far as saying enjoyable, but we are comfortable. I have always wanted our house to be a place of sanctuary and with a lot of effort put into it, it is now a place where we can relax and be with each other without having that feeling of being cooped up or trapped together. There's space to seek personal space as needed.

However, in mid-April we had two pet emergencies. Gohan had an obstructed bladder and required emergency care. He has since recovered and is doing well.

Marley, on the other hand, had more complications. She struggled for three weeks to get better. Our cats have pet insurance and we were able to give her the best care we could afford but to no avail. Marley's health deteriorated and left us no choice but to put her to sleep. We lost our only girl cat on May 1.

I want to speak more about Marley Girl so I am saving that for later when everything with her is finalized. I am waiting for pics to put on her urn and I want to memorialize her life in a later post.

Losing her has been hard on me and Nate. The pain still stings and we miss her so much.

I hate this year.

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