
Our favorite decade....the 80s!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Every time VH1 has this damned show even though we've seen it over and over we still watch the whole thing.Nate and I first connected to each other through music. Napster, free Napster, was a haven for us. Until Metallica had a hissy fit and drove everyone off to the nether regions of IRC, the wilderness of FTPs and beyond the far reaches of the internets.

Seeing VH1's special on the 80's is such a flashback for me in particular. I think of 1984 as the year my mind and my ears opened up to the music I was hearing. It was awesome. I don't quite remember the significance of that particular year. It might have been the first time I got or bought a cassette tape.

Some of the choices on that count down I don't really agree with and I think other songs that should have been in there are not. But it had me running to notepad to write out the song for later to download or search at Amoeba, a local used record store Nate and I hit up when we're in the neighborhood.

Nate's recollection of the 80's isn't as clear as mine as he was born in 1982. His perspective on the decade is how heavily sampled the songs are in later music.

As we watch the bands and the songs the question of if we had a chance to see a band live, which one would it be comes up. Nate and I both agree on Queen. Queen with Freddy Mercury. Guilty pleasure would be to see Journey. LOL

I think tonight I'll break out my iPOD and listen to some powwa ballads and remember the 80s.

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