
Nate's SDCC 2009 Preview Night Experience

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Well, another SDCC has come and gone once again. I think both Madeline and I can say this was definitely the best comic con we have experienced. It's not like we didn't have fun at previous comic cons, it's just that this year was exceptional.

On preview night, I didn't really plan on picking up anything because I wanted to save most of my money for the Pushead event happening on Thursday. I only planned on buying the Jade Mongolion from Super 7 because I was afraid it might sell out before I could score one.

After that, I spent the rest of the night walking around, and just taking in all the awesome other exclusives that vendors were offering. First stop, Gargamel booth. HOLY..SHIT..

Gargamel Booth

Just look at those awesome customs. It was so hard to pass up on these but I was too determined for Thursday. I just decided to hang out and talk to a few people I knew who also showed me some of the things they scored at the booth. Big thanks to Kris (wtfunks) for hooking up Madeline with the one main want from this booth, the Camo Killer.

The rest of the night, I wandered around some more, passing up on so many great exclusives. I'm actually quite proud of myself, because last year on preview night, I ran amok just picking up figures I wanted on impulse. I was like a little kid in a candy store buying everything that looked good to me. XD

I did however see somebody with a Gold Rebel Ink, and at that instant, I already knew where I had to go next. I ran straight to Toy Tokyo's booth, only too see a horde of people there shopping. I thought I was screwed and had no chance of scoring one, but I noticed around the side another smaller line. Secret Base had a small table set up and this is where they were selling the Gold Rebel Ink. SCORE!!!

Secret Base x Usugrow Gold Rebel Ink

I know I was holding out for Thursday, but I had to have this one. I was seriously stoked to be able to pick this one up because they only had a few available. I totally spaced out though because I was all juiced to score one, that I didn't even think to pick one up for my homie Heng. By the time I realized this and went with Maddie to see if I can have her buy him one, they were already sold out. Ugh, I felt so bad not being able to hook Heng up.

Madeline and I continued to walk around checking out the rest of the toy garden, and lo and behold, Mori-san was in attendance at the Onell Design booth.


It was a pleasure meeting Mori-san. He was such a nice guy, and I think he was very happy to be at comic con to meet a lot of his fans. We enjoy his Mutant Zone figures, and are really impressed with the new sculpts he has been working on for the Mutant Zone Series 3 line. Check 'em out. These were just a few of the exclusives that was hard for me to pass on.

RealxHead Mutant Zone Series 3 Figures SDCC Exclusives

The amount of awesome figures at this con was insane. I kept circling my main booths of interest. Gargamel, Grass Hut, Super 7, Onell Design and Toy Tokyo (only because they had some other cool Japanese vinyl figures). There were a lot of other great booths to check out, but I was only scoping these out for one main reason. If I wasn't able to score a hand paint at the Pushead event, I had to have a backup plan on what toys I wanted to buy. Haha!

As Preview night came to a close, we headed over to Yardhouse for the Skull Brain dinner. As we walked down I believe 5th Street, we witnessed a couple having a fight, and the girl was just wailing on the guy, punching him in the face. She then ran past us in tears. It was pretty crazy to see, but I kind of wonder if it was a sign of something bad happening at the Yardhouse gathering. Either way, we continued on. Once we got there, we met up with Hank and also met CannibalKaiju. It was great meeting a bunch of new people and putting faces to screen names. We had a lot of fun talking about toys and what we liked to collect.

The experience did get a bit interesting, as Mori, Ayako from Uamou, Hossy from Popsoda and Kazu-san (Itokin Park) at one point were all sitting at the table we were at. Sometimes I wish I knew how to speak Japanese. XD It was also awkward and disappointing a bit of the time, but I'm not really gonna go into much detail about that. Let's just say Madeline and I felt a little out of place at the table. Nothing to do with any of the Japanese designers, but we kind of wished we were sitting at another table.

All in all, Madeline and I had fun at the dinner, and would like to thank Joe for organizing the gathering. He and a bunch of other Skull Brainers brought a gang of goodies for sale. It was hard to choose from the variety of goodies, but I was able to pick up a Cure Suck Fly for Heng and I. I know this doesn't make up for the Rebel Ink, but I was glad I could hook him up with something he was looking for.

Return of Suck Fly SDCC 2009. Day 1 Clear Pink Painted Suck Fly

If you purchased something at the dinner, you were also given a raffle ticket for the prizes that were brought as well. I was hoping for one of the RealxHead figures datadub brought to be raffled. I didn't win any of them, but we came away with some cool T-shirts. Got a Mutant Massacre x Vinyl Fiends tee, and also a Pop Monster tee. I wasn't disappointed about losing out on the RxH figures because they went to a few awesome boardies who we met previously inside the con. Monkey & Sappy scored the Mutant Head and Kevlo9 scored the Yamazakura one-off. Congrats to all three of them. After the raffle, we were pretty pooped and decided to call it a night.

On our way back to the hotel as we were leaving the parking garage, we were driving behind somebody who I believe was drunk. They didn't seem to know where they were going, and didn't even bother looking at any of the signs which pointed to the exit. As the driver came to an exit that was closed, they began to back up, nearly hitting me in the process. Thank God I reacted quickly and backed up to get out of their way. Although they missed me, instead they backed up into a parked car. BAM!!! The impact wasn't hard, but I don't think they even noticed they hit the car. Thinking everything was a-ok, they proceeded towards the attendant at the exit. Little did they know, the car they hit was the car of the attendant. Busted!!

The attendant told them to go back and park next to the car, cause she was pissed and was going to call the police if they tried to leave. Once we got to the attendant, we told her that I believe the driver was drunk and that we were sorry to see her car get hit. Fortunately she said it was just a rental, but she was still extremely pissed. Wow, crazy night indeed.

Once we got back to the hotel, Madeline and I were still so excited, it was hard to go to sleep even though we were dead tired. We looked over our preview night haul, talked about the con, and also the dinner. Finally we feel asleep, only to wake up in a few hours for Day 2.

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