
R.I.P. Pudgy Bugoy

Friday, June 26, 2009

Unfortunately, our first post in our newly launched blog is a sad one. Earlier this morning my Aunt called our house in tears talking to my mom. I accidentally picked up the phone and they were both crying.

At first I thought something happened to my Grandpa but it turned out to be P-Chan's older brother. I was somewhat relieved it wasn't something bad about Grandpa but I am heartbroken knowing Pudgy Boy had died.

Pudgy Boy is the oldest of P-Chan's litter. He's a sweet dog but not as smart. He looks nothing like P-Chan and takes after the cute terrier their mother was. He always made me laugh when I gave him baths as he did not blink when I poured water over his head. He would just give me his blank, earnest look.

Pudgy and P-Chan have the same exact bark. If they were barking at the same time it was like echoes of little dogs barking. I remember when I first saw Pudgy. I wanted another dog like him. My Aunt said the litter had another one that looked just like him and she would get him for me. Instead I got P-Chan who was supposed to go to someone else but my Aunt insisted on having her and the rest is history.

Now all that's left is P-Chan. Everyone from her litter is gone. Now more than ever I know I have to cherish what time I have left with her.

The last few years Pudgy had been unwell. I asked my cousin Ira and she indicated Pudgy had been out of sorts the last week. I was told he did not eat at all yesterday and did not want to do anything. Before bedtime he drank a lot of water.

This morning they found him already cold. He must have died soon after bedtime. Ira said he looked like he was in deep sleep and I was thankful he passed away peacefully.

Pudgy was born on 10/23/1994 - 06/25/2009. He lived to be 14 years old despite being ill the last few years. I have a picture of him somewhere but I have to scan it. He will be sorely missed.

Oh yeah I heard Farrah Fawcett and Micheal Jackson died today too but they're not close to my heart. There's enough people blogging about them anyway.

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