
True Detective Series

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

True Detective S1 - S3

I was seeing the ads for S4 with Jodie Foster so I decided to check out the series and it does not disappoint. My favorites are S1, S3 and S2 which comes in real distant. I would not rate a favorite at all. 

S1 has two of my favorite actors to watch, Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. Episode 1 of S1 immediately caught my attention. It reminded me of Hannibal the TV series in the early seasons. I love how time is intricately tied to each season. That sense of time being a flat space. The forward and backward that tells the story. 

I started watching the series while on lunch. I needed something to watch while eating and I was hooked. I was so entertained that I binge watched the first season in a matter of days. Nate saw me watching the last three episodes and he was intrigued enough to re-start the series on his own and finish S1 so that we could watch S2 together. We did quote Interstellar quite a bit when we were watching Matthew McConaughey but it couldn't be helped. Needless to say we were eager to watch S2. 

However, S2 first episode did not intrigue us like S1 episode 1 did. It was rough and it took me until episode 5 to find anything cohesive in the story line. The actors didn't seem comfortable with the characters they were playing. Very stiff and Vince Vaughn plays the same character no matter what movie or series he's in and he was the most unbelievable character in this season. He was meh. No characters I felt like I could root for and in the end it was a relief it was over and we were eager to move onto S3. 

Considering how S2 sucked we were nervous about how S3 was going to play out but we found ourselves once again fascinated with the first episode of S3 and felt that the season had a great start. S3 overall did not disappoint. It felt like the writers knew S2 kind of bombed maybe and got back into the vibe of S1 and brought back that story telling in S3. Mahershala Ali played a great character but my favorite was Stephen Dorff. The last time I saw him on a movie honestly was Blade and to see him doing this and doing it well was quite a treat. The costuming caught my eye too and the dresses (80s) on the show were cute. 

S4 - Night Country

Finally, we finished S3, excellent but we feel did not de-throne S1, so we are now at S4 with Jodie Foster who I haven't seen doing a movie or series that I have seen in a long time . The first episode was as exciting as we were hoping for and we are hooked. It's also spookier than previous seasons. The only thing that sucks is the episodes are released weekly so we got to wait and we have something to look forward to on Sunday nights. 

Definitely recommend to watch S1, skip S2, watch S3. I mean if you have time maybe watch S2. Maybe. 

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