
Purchases of the Week - June 9, 2012

Saturday, June 09, 2012

I managed to have a little bit of spare change so I decided to work on our blu-ray collection. Nate advised me that I need to replace instead of adding onto our blu-rays. Even though there are ton of recently lowered movies we don't have yet, I have decided to take his advice and do some replacing.

So I grabbed a handful of DVDs and just waited out the prices until they fell to our level of cheapness.

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Don't Be A Menace In South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood - In order to fully appreciate this movie, you have to have watched all the movies it was spoofing. I have not, but I still find the parts I do understand funny. Nate has I think, seen all the movies so he has a deeper understanding of this movie than I do. 

Face/Off - Two over-acting actors in one movie equals not a bad movie. I don't care for John Travolta honestly. I don't seek out his movies. My feelings for him are prior to the recent accusations that have been plaguing him lately. I just don't find him interesting. Nicolas Cage on the other hand is a very interesting actor and I enjoy watching him. Except for Ghost Rider. My tolerance was at it's limit for that one. 
Hustle & Flow - I have issues with drama movies. I get caught up into it too much and I always feel drained after watching one. Albeit, this is a really good movie though so I watched it completely. Terrence Howard plays a charismatic character with a dream. I still believe he would have made a better War Machine in Iron Man 2. 

Dragon Ball Z Kai #7 & #8 - Apparently #8 ends the series. I have read that they wont even go to the Majin Buu Saga. Which sucks. With all these different sets of Dragon Ball out I still have yet to finish watching the whole series. It's just hard to set aside the time to do so considering how lengthy this series is. 
Forrest Gump - Is a modern classic. I didn't want the special edition of the set. I just wanted the regular edition. Like Shawshank Redemption I tend to watch this movie if it's on TV.
Twister - Is by all means not a "deep" movie. It's fun to watch though. This movie falls under the category of mindless entertainment. 
Maverick - Ahhh Mel Gibson at his most charming. This was before the world found out he was a bitter, violent and terribly unhappy man. I love this movie. Everything works so well together. I miss this version of Mel Gibson but then again, he may have never existed at all. 
Unbreakable - Yes, most of M. Knight's Shalashaska, as Nate and I call him, most of his movies are caca. But not this one. I like this one a lot. It worked well with his style, you know, "With a twist!" type of shit. Alas, I don't plan on getting anymore from this director. Except maybe Lady in the Water. Nate said it was not bad and he liked it. I have yet to see it.

That's about it for purchases of the week. Trying to watch out for deals and maybe upgrade our couch to improve our living room. But that will be after SDCC. So I am officially on savings lock down until after July.

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