
Summer of Goodbyes

Saturday, October 22, 2011

"There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go." - Author Unknown

On July 1, 2011, approximately ten minutes before 11 o'clock that night, I lost my last remaining grandparent. My Grandpa, died surrounded by all of his children, most of his grandchildren, and two of his great grand children. It was probably one of the most emotional wringing events of my adult life.

He lived a full life of 95 years. I had the chance to say goodbye to Lolo and that memory does bring me comfort. A week later, we buried him with my Grandma. Now they are together.

Before we closed the casket, all the grandkids wrote him letters. April knitted him a small amigurumi rabbit. I pinned that along with all our letters on his jacket. Nate wrote Lolo a letter too but he wont tell me what he wrote down. He said he made a promise. I know better than to ask.

Three days after we buried my Grandpa, my oldest Uncle became seriously ill and was hospitalized. He hung on for almost a month but due to pre-existing health issues and his weak constitution he passed away at the end of August.

A double whammy for our small clan. We were already devastated by the loss of my Grandpa but with the death of my Uncle Bernard the devastation turned into a terrible tragedy.

Our finances stretched to the limit, a decision was made to cremate Uncle Bernard's remains and send his ashes home to his children. My Aunt went back home to the island a couple of weeks ago and had him interred in their family crypt. He is now home.

It's been a difficult summer. Which explains why I haven't been updating the blog and toy buying is at an all time low. We are quietly mourning, coping with the loss and moving on with our lives.

The holidays are coming up and it will be lonely one. Lolo was always here at my house to celebrate Christmas. He always started the feasting with a prayer.

I miss him a lot and think of him often.

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