
Purchases of the Week: February 26, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Closet Maid Pantry Cabinet 

Nate actually has been buying a few blu-ray but this is a house purchase for him. We have a small kitchen and space is a premium. We didn't like how we were storing goods on the counter or on the table. There's just too much stuff out and we want things neat. Our pots and pans tend to take a lot of space. I have a Harry Potter style closet under the stairs and I store our cooking appliances there. Hopefully, this will help organize our kitchen to be more efficient.

Someone asked me, "Why are there no toys featured on Purchases of the Week?" Well... we buy toys all the time. It's a norm and I like to highlight non-toy purchasing. This year, Nate and I agreed we need to cut down on toy buying and concentrate on the house and make it into a home.

I have been thinking about posting more toy stuff, food and other things too. Whatever comes to mind really. I just need to set aside time to do it and it looks like late night is the only time I have.

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