
Purchases of the Week: January 21, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Just a couple of purchases this time around. I got a couple of things for our cats and a box set for me.




Cat Comb - Dual-sided! My sister bought some sort of brush for the cats but it doesn't really comb well. So I got a better one. I am especially hoping it can handle Marley since she has thick fluffy hair.
The pin side to untangle and the brush side to smooth and groom their fur. 

Da Bird - Best cat toy ever. I also had to get a replacement of their ultimate favorite toy. Da Bird. My cats go crazy over this toy. So much I have to hide it in my closet. If they happen to see it they try to sneak in and grab and run off. Because of sheer use it wore out. I bought the extra attachments but so far they haven't destroyed that but the wand has broken off at the end and the string came off.

It's fun to watch them when they are playing. Dhani loves to just jump and attack while Nodame likes to stalk the feathers and pounce. Marley likes to sit straight up and swat it repeatedly and Pickles likes to catch it in his mouth and hold it and growl when I try to take it from him.

Treeson Series 2 Case - Seven plus a hard to find mystery figure. Last but not least is a case of Treeson and Friends Series 2. I love how Crazy Label does their ratios. You don't have to buy a blind box over and over again. You get all of the figures and a chance for the rare figure or a double of a regular one. I am hoping my case will have the rare figure.

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