
Feral Cats

Monday, July 20, 2009

We have a lot of feral cats in our area. Two actually became tame after we started taking care of them. That was MomCat and Impostor Cat.

Both became pregnant and we nursed them throughout their pregnancy and they gave us our much loved kittens. Nodame, Dhani, Pickles and Marley were adopted by family. BoyCat, Tono-Chan and Mariposa went to friends.

Although we've been fortunate to be able to place them all in loving homes that's not always going to be the case. We've learned through this experience that taking care of a pregnant cat and her kittens cost a lot of time and money.

As much as we've enjoyed taking care of them it's more practical to get them fixed to control the pet population.

My sister found an organization in our area that spays and neuters stray cats for free. They are FIXNATION.ORG. They provide low cost vaccination for your pet cats as well.

My sister took Myaah and her two companions over to be checked. Unfortunately, they have a case of upper respiratory infection and had to have antibiotics first. Until they are better is when they can get fixed. She had to release the gray cats again as they have a really severe case of infection.

Mom has to take care of Myaa for a couple of days and as soon as we return from SDCC and if she is well, Myaah can be fixed. Hopefully the gray cats will be better too.

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